Our ambitions

Projects supported by the Foundation

Conservation and restoration
Protecting the world's largest lagoon
New Caledonia
With Conservation International

Conservation and restoration
Supporting the guardians of the oceans
With Blue Nature Alliance

Conservation and restoration
Reforesting the Amazon
With Conservation International

Conservation and restoration
Cleaning-up the Aldabra coral archipelago
The Seychelles
With Oxford University

Conservation and restoration
Safeguarding Subantarctic ecosystems
Macquarie Island, Australia
With the Macquarie Island Conservation Foundation

Innovation and awareness
Understanding and protecting humpback whales
The Antarctic
With Conservation International

Innovation and awareness
Combating plastic pollution
With Plastic Odyssey

Innovation and awareness
Protecting the Mediterranean coastline
With the City of Marseille

Innovation and awareness
Promoting innovation that benefits marine biodiversity
With Pure Ocean

Taking action for people
Promoting access to education
Bissagos Islands, Guinea-Bissau
With the ESCAMA Foundation

Taking action for people
Spreading the wisdom of the peoples of the sea
With Conservation International

Taking action for people
Supporting access to healthcare
With the Garrahan Foundation

Taking action for people
Combining culture with eco-responsibility
Ushuaia, Argentina
With the Tierra del Fuego Alliance Française

Conservation and restoration
Innovation and awareness
Taking action for people
Our partners
Project selection criteria

PONANT staff and employees get involved
Encounters rich in meaning
Every year, PONANT employees have the opportunity to get involved by taking part on the ground in projects supported by the Foundation, such as schooling and education in the Bissagos archipelago (Guinea-Bissau) and environmental conservation in New Caledonia. They enjoy richly meaningful interaction and exchange with local communities.
A call to staff and employees for projects
Every year, the PONANT Foundation invites staff and employees to submit a request for support for an organisation or project close to their hearts. Preservation of marine biodiversity, improvement of maritime heritage - all suggested projects in line with the Foundation's missions are considered and evaluated.

Raising awareness of environmental issues
Individual initiatives to raise awareness of environmental issues – such as beach clean-ups in the Marseille region, where the company's head office is located – are carried out in conjunction with local organisations throughout the year.
Supporting the PONANT Foundation
If you would like to contribute to practical, real-world projects aimed at conserving the oceans and polar regions and encouraging social action among indigenous peoples, please visit our dedicated page.
Conservation and restoration
Protecting the world's largest lagoon
New Caledonia
With Conservation International
New Caledonia is home to the world's largest lagoon, surrounded by 1,600 km of coral reef. This UNESCO-inscribed ecosystem, home to over 1,600 species of fish, as well as various large predators and a number of iconic or endangered marine species, is suffering from the effects of human activity. Find out about the initiatives the PONANT Foundation is supporting to help preserve this unique natural heritage in our report.

In detail
Our initiatives revolve around three specific areas
Conservation and restoration
Supporting the guardians of the oceans
With Blue Nature Alliance
The Blue Nature Alliance is a partnership founded and led by Conservation International, The Pew Charitable Trusts, the Global Environment Facility, the Minderoo Foundation, and the Rob Walton Foundation. It promotes a local-community-led approach to ocean conservation by making the expertise of its network available to the communities themselves.

In detail
Key stats and figures
12.5 million
This is the number of square kilometres conserved, the equivalent of the total land areas of Australia and the EU combined.
The number of sites where conservation work was carried out in 2022.
The number of new sites currently under evaluation, covering an additional nine million square kilometres.
Examples of action taken
Conservation and restoration
Reforesting the Amazon
With Conservation International
The Amazon+ initiative supports farmers and local populations (Tapajós region - State of Pará) in their work to develop sustainable agroforestry systems and carry out reforesting projects. The project also supports research and training.

Conservation and restoration
Cleaning-up the Aldabra coral archipelago
The Seychelles
With Oxford University
A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Aldabra is an uninhabited archipelago that is home to 150,000 giant tortoises. Despite its protected status, it is affected by plastic pollution. In 2019, the PONANT Foundation began working with the Seychelles Islands Foundation (SIF) and Oxford University to support the Aldabra Clean Up Project. Flip flops, plastic balls, bottles... 25 tonnes of waste were collected in five weeks.

In detail

Aldabra Clean Up Project: science at the service of the environment
In addition to the objective of eliminating plastic waste from the atoll and its reef, the Aldabra Clean Up Project also has a scientific component. Its purpose is to quantify the threats posed by plastic pollution to island ecosystems, and use the findings to develop a programme designed to raise awareness about the environmental challenges facing the oceans.
Conservation and restoration
Safeguarding Subantarctic ecosystems
Macquarie Island, Australia
With the Macquarie Island Conservation Foundation
Inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Macquarie Island, lying below the Furious Fifties, is an exceptional geological and natural site representative of Subantarctic ecosystems in general. It is home to more than 850,000 pairs of royal penguins, an endemic species, as well as several hundred thousand king penguins, albatross, seals, and elephant seals. The Macquarie Island Conservation Foundation is developing research programmes and initiatives to help protect the island's natural heritage from the risks associated with climate change.

Innovation and awareness
Unerstanding and proteting humpback whales
The Antarctic
With Conservation International
In 2020, Conservation International and PONANT arranged for a scientific mission to spend three weeks on board L'Austral observing humpback whales in Antarctica. The aim: to study the effects of sea ice variability and the impact of ship noise on these cetaceans, and to assess their distribution and the way their populations in the region connect with each other. The scientific data collected is invaluable in helping to better protect these iconic species.

In detail

A rich dialogue with guests on L'Austral
While on board, the researchers shared their knowledge of humpback whales with the guests. Several talks and participatory spotting sessions were organised to see the whales and to explain the usefulness of the data collected.
An award-winning documentary
New Zealand wildlife filmmaker Richard Sidey filmed the research mission on board L'Austral. The result is a wonderful documentary, Whales in a Changing Ocean, which won him the Best Director award at the 18th International Ocean Film Festival (IOFF) in May 2021.
Innovation and awareness
Combating plastic pollution
With Plastic Odyssey
In October 2022, the catamaran Plastic Odyssey set off from Marseille on a three-year expedition to the regions of the world worst affected by plastic pollution. On board this floating laboratory: 20 explorers on a mission to find practical solutions to combat this global problem.

Innovation and awareness
Protecting the Mediterranean coastline
With the City of Marseille
The purpose of Le Hublot educational centre is to familiarise people with the natural riches of the Mediterranean and raise public awareness about coastal protection. Located at Marseille's Borély beach, Le Hublot includes an outdoor exhibition space; a public information area; a sensory room offering educational experiences and activities; and a projection space.

Innovation and awareness
Promoting innovation that benefits marine biodiversity
With Pure Ocean
The Pure Ocean Foundation provides multi-year funding for innovative applied research initiatives that help to preserve marine biodiversity.

In detail
Among the projects chosen
Soutenir l’économie circulaire
Protecting the Mediterranean coastline
Avec Use it again ! by Extia
Le navigateur professionnel Romain Pillard a reconditionné l’ancien trimaran avec lequel Ellen Mac Arthur avait battu le record du tour du monde en solitaire en 2005 pour en faire un emblème de l’économie circulaire. La Fondation PONANT a soutenu son initiative en lui portant assistance lors de son échouage à Ushuaia en 2022 pendant sa tentative de tour du monde en solitaire d’est en ouest, à l’envers des routes habituelles, à bord de ce trimaran rebaptisé Use it again ! by Extia.
Taking action for people
Promoting access to education
Bissagos Islands, Guinea-Bissau
With the ESCAMA Foundation
It was during a scouting mission to the Bissagos that PONANT's team got to know about the ESCAMA Foundation, which works to provide schooling and access to healthcare for the inhabitants of this particularly isolated archipelago in Guinea-Bissau. In particular, the PONANT Foundation has covered the cost of carrying out work to rebuild a school.

In detail

"The ESCAMA Foundation has helped to create three schools since 2016. Because our islands are isolated from the mainland, it's especially important to ensure that living conditions for teachers are of an acceptable standard in order to motivate them to stay and settle with their families."
Sonia Durris, founder of the ESCAMA Foundation
Taking action for people
Spreading the wisdom of the peoples of the sea
With Conservation International
The PONANT Foundation is behind the "Moana Rising" project, a series of eight short films produced by the NGO Conservation International that explore the relationship between the people of the Pacific and the Moana, the ocean. Central to all the stories are the impact of climate change and the local solutions used by these peoples to better conserve their environment.

Taking action for people
Supporting access to healthcare
With the Garrahan Foundation
The Garrahan Foundation collects recyclable waste from our Antarctic voyages in Ushuaia and sells it to pay for equipment for the Garrahan hospital, training for healthcare teams, and the costs of running and managing shelters for sick children and their families.
Taking action for people
Combining culture with eco-responsibility
Ushuaia, Argentina
With the Tierra del Fuego Alliance Française
The PONANT Foundation helped finance the construction of a new passive-energy building to increase the capacity of the Tierra del Fuego Alliance Française, a training centre and cultural venue set up in 2003 to promote French culture.